Heart Surgery to State Champion

In Honor of Heart Awareness Month my brother Jakob Owens put together a short documentary about my recovery from my 1st Heart Surgery to two years later winning a basketball state championship.


My goal is not to inspire, but rather encourage. I don’t think of myself as an inspiration. I struggle everyday with this disease. It’s hard to put into words the effect it has psychologically. Until you are in that hospital bed, its something you can never grasp. The trauma, the things that have happened inside those white walls never leave me. I just share my thoughts and journey in hopes it can touch others who are hurting. To provide a sense of clarity for those who are confused and lonely in the journey. You are not alone. I’ve had plenty of doctors tell me things I can’t do. I didn’t listen. I chose to live the way I wanted. I can live with the consequences, even if it involves death, I can’t live knowing I gave in, never taking risks, or following the burning desires of my heart. This video can’t even begin to explain my true feelings, but maybe its a start, and sometimes thats all we need. To simply start. Thanks for all love