Scars are Beauitful

To all those people out there who are hurting everyday and feel misunderstood in this life. Those who spend hours in their own head, who feel everything, who’ve stared death in the face, but move forward no matter what life throws at ya. To those who have to be strong, cause that’s the only way. To those who struggled with addiction. To the kids who have to go through a life of pain beginning at such young age. To those with the scars. I rock with all of you. We are in spirit together navigating this life. We all carry a wound. Big or small it doesn’t matter. We live in a broken world full of broken people and we all mask that shit in this world of "positivity" and "good vibes" that often doesn't allow room for raw emotion. Fuck that talk, all human expression is necessary. You need the lows to really appreciate the highs. I hate seeing people hurting, ‘cause I feel your pain in my heart, but don't ever let someone tell you how to feel. They don't know. I've died, I know every day is extra. All that extra petty shit doesn't matter. Like saying the word shit ha. I cry all the right now. It's never ending. It just is. The beauty of all of it, is i'd be happy with my life if I went tomorrow. That's how sickness changes you. To those who offer their selfless time to others in need, and show they care, it never goes unnoticed, you are angels. To those who have shown it to me over the years, I can never repay. It really means the world. I love you. <3

For those who look fresh at small moments and see them as if it were for the first time.

To those that will never have that carefree, total immersion in simple moments anymore.

To those who have to listen to people tell you, “Oh, you’ll be fine!” or “You’ll beat it!” There is no such thing, it never ends. 

To those who feel like they have to be positive because the world is so overly fucking “positive.”

To those who will never have normalcy again.

To those who have to trust, because you have no other option.

To those who have to be strong, cause that’s the only way.

To those who don’t want to get out of bed.

To those who fear every time they feel pain.

To those who are tired of hiding behind a wall.

To those who are tired of people telling them how to feel.

To the kids who feel lost or misunderstood.

To those who do not recognize themselves.

To the dreamers.

To those who refuse to give in.

To those who have to restart time and time again.

To those who have to be strong despite how they feel.

To those who are scared to death, but saddle up anyway.

To those with the scars.

To those...

To everyone, I walk with you.