This site was created to be used as a less formal platform for honest thought and discussion on the heart, particularly pertaining to heart disease and open heart surgery. Physically we know the extreme nature of open-heart surgery. However, can we please discuss more about the emotional scars of Open Heart surgery. I’ve always felt like no one understands how I feel, but the more I read about others who have undergone open heart surgery, I discovered others often suffer from depression as well. What? How could that be possible right? You just survived this extreme, primal, life altering surgery, and you are alive! Your survived. You get a second chance. You become oddly thankful for the most trivial things like a full breath, a shower, using the restroom, and so on. You will forever view life through a different lens. Life brings on new meaning. However, when everything settles down you are still left with all the trauma that Open Heart surgery brings. The person you were before the surgery is no longer here. You died and were reborn. You are forever changed. There is nothing that prepares a man for open heart surgery and what awaits afterward. With that being said, not everyone suffers from depression after surgery, there are many varying factors in each individual case. In fact, some people find happiness they didn't know existed and that's awesome! But for the other half of us who do suffer, know that you are not alone. Lets talk about it. Societally were so resistant to talk about depression because it’s often viewed as this taboo subject where people can’t openly talk about it. There is this misconception that we simply need to think more positively and everything else will fall into place. so we end up detaching ourselves even more. For better or worse, Heart Warriors, is designed with the intent for others to share their experiences and how their life has been affected physically and emotionally. Hoping this will be a place for others to confide in one another.
Heart disease remains #1 killer in the world.
We are all fighting a battle in this life.
I know for me personally, I have struggled often with depression. Mortality does a unique thing to the human spirit. You come to appreciate the little things, but at the same time you mourn the loss of your former self. Now I know each person has a different experience and may not share the same feelings, but the idea is for those who do feel lost, out of touch, different, and detached from reality…YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We too often only express positivity which can muddle the process. It’s ok to show your scars. Sadness, hurt, negativity is all natural pertaining to the human emotion. Sadness is a blessing, for it lets us appreciate beautiful moments. How could we appreciate life if there was no death?
Ultimately, I want this to be a place where we can express our broken selves, inspire each other, pour out our heart, and BE HONEST with each other and with ourselves. I hope my words resonate with you.
I can't wait to hear from you all!
Much love